Make All Learning Count
Create your own personal Learning & Employment Record (LER) for FREE today!
Start your journey to learn and earn. makes it easy to create and showcase your skills, education and work experience to prospective employers and higher education institutions in a verifiable and organized way.
Collect, Manage & Share
All Your Learning & Skills Evidence
Connect your hands-on learning experiences and on-the-job training to showcase the practical skills you’ve acquired.
Registered Apprenticeship is an industry-driven, high-quality career pathway where employers can develop and prepare their future workforce, and individuals can obtain paid work experience with a mentor, receive progressive wage increases, classroom instruction, and a portable, nationally recognized credential. Registered Apprenticeships are industry-vetted and approved and validated by the U.S. Department of Labor or a State Apprenticeship Agency.
You can "Connect" any Registered Apprenticeship record under "Add Credentials", bringing in the verified credential and associated skills into your digital wallet when available. You can explore apprenticeship opportunities the US Apprenticeship Finder.
* Coming soon
Awards & Recognition(s)
Highlight the honors and accolades that set you apart in your career journey.
"Upload (take picture), Embed or Link" awards, certificates of recognition, letters of recommendation, etc. under "Add Credentials". It's much easier for both employers and education & training providers to validate your skills and accomplishments with evidence. You'll notice you can add skills & experiences without evidence, but not credentials.
Badges & Certificates
Track and display your earned badges and certificates as proof of your ongoing professional development.
"Upload (take picture), Embed or Link" Open Badges (OBv2 & OBv3) and digital credentials under "Add Credentials". It's much easier for both employers and education & training providers to validate your skills and accomplishments with evidence. You'll notice you can add skills & experiences with no evidence, but not credentials.
Credentials & Diplomas
Compile all your formal educational credentials and diplomas to create a comprehensive view of your academic achievements.
"Upload (take picture), Embed or Link" diplomas, licenses, certificates, etc. under "Add Credentials". It's much easier for both employers and education & training providers to validate your skills and accomplishments with evidence. You'll notice you can add skills & experiences without evidence, but not credentials.
Education Records
Keep an organized record of your educational background, including transcripts and course completions.
"Upload (take picture), Embed or Link" diplomas, transcripts, awards, certificates, etc. under "Add Credentials". It's much easier for both employers and education & training providers to validate your skills and accomplishments with evidence. You'll notice you can add skills & experiences without evidence, but not credentials.
Capture the valuable skills and lessons learned from all your work, volunteer, and hobby experiences.
Use "Add Experiences" to represent any experience: work, learning, hobby, group, club, etc. that evidence what you know and can do. This can even look like a skill assertion over a myriad of experiences.
For example: 5 years of customer service
Knowledge & Abilities
Showcase the knowledge and abilities that define your professional and personal expertise.
"Sync" your professional abilities, competencies, knowledge and skills (PACKS) automatically with validated "Sync from provider" and/or "Self-Attest" PACKS using our robust Occupational Skills Ontology under "Add Skills". Start typing to see suggestions or use our browse feature.
Military Service Records
Connect your military service records to validate your skills and experiences as you transition to the civilian workforce.
"Connect" your military service records (ie: JST) into your digital wallet under "Add Credentials" by uploading your JST (Joint Services Transcript), ETJ (Navy's Electronic Training Jacket) or VMET (Verification of Military Experience and Training) to the DOD MilGears platform. DOD MilGears analyzes your military duties and training to provide customized credentials, skills and experiences that contribute to your LER.
* Coming soon
Other Learning & Employment Records (LERs)
Store additional learning and employment records to complete your profile.
As Learning and Employment Records (LERs) gain traction in the marketplace, EBSCOed solutions will aim to keep pace in supporting inclusion. If you have an LER to include, you can "Upload or Link" it under "Add Credentials" today. You can also export your "Resume(s)" in Comprehensive Learner Record (CLR) LER format
* Coming soon
Skills & Competencies
Identify and promote the skills and competencies that drive your success.
"Sync" your professional abilities, competencies, knowledge and skills (PACKS) automatically with validated "Sync from provider" and/or "Self-Attest" PACKS using our robust Occupational Skills Ontology under "Add Skills". Start typing to see suggestions or use our browse feature.